What Owners Complain About
Sometimes it helps just to tally up the complaints and see where the biggest stacks are. Use this information to learn about troublespots or to run for the hills.
Worst Issues
- dead battery in the 2017 Fusion
32 complaints
- exhaust fumes in cabin in the 2017 Explorer
18 complaints
- premature tire wear in the 2017 Explorer
15 complaints
- transmission shudders when accelerating from stop in the 2017 Focus
13 complaints
- engine stalls/dies while driving in the 2017 F-150
8 complaints
- window spontaneously shattered in the 2017 Explorer
8 complaints
- door latch not working properly in the 2017 F-150
7 complaints
Worst Models
What Breaks the Most
- Electrical
72 complaints
- Engine
48 complaints
- Interior
35 complaints
- Transmission
35 complaints
- Wheels
31 complaints
- Brakes
30 complaints
- Body
29 complaints