What Owners Complain About
Sometimes it helps just to tally up the complaints and see where the biggest stacks are. Use this information to learn about troublespots or to run for the hills.
Worst Issues
- misfiring cylinder in the 1996 Windstar
13 complaints
- transmission slips out of gear in the 1996 Explorer
9 complaints
- rear AC blows hot air in the 1996 Windstar
8 complaints
- hesitation or stalls on acceleration in the 1996 Windstar
7 complaints
- seat belt does not stay latched in the 1996 Explorer
7 complaints
- transmission failure in the 1996 Explorer
6 complaints
- o/d light is flashing in the 1996 Explorer
6 complaints
Worst Models
- Explorer
112 complaints
- Windstar
92 complaints
- Taurus
35 complaints
- Contour
23 complaints
- F-150
16 complaints
- Crown Victoria
14 complaints
- Thunderbird
10 complaints
What Breaks the Most
- Engine
89 complaints
- Transmission
56 complaints
- Electrical
40 complaints
27 complaints
- Interior
26 complaints
- Fuel System
19 complaints
- Cooling System
16 complaints